Email is dangerous for us creative types. On the one hand, I want to be responsive and answer all your questions and be as helpful as possible, but on the other hand, for me to create I need long periods of uninterrupted time without the easy distraction that computers and phones and emails provide. Plus, I am not the most disciplined of people and email gives me an endless excuse for creative procrastination.
So, try and give a super compelling subject line. If I don’t happen to answer please don’t take offense. I am simply off creating. If you don’t hear back in a week or two, send it again. Also, leading with a general category like “Publicity” or “Inspiring Story” or “Speaking Request” or “Oprah Winfrey Interview Request” may grease the skids.
PS- if you really do work for Oprah, or Rich Roll, Krista Tippett, Tim Ferris, Elizabeth Gilbert or anyone else on my “Top Ten Dinner Party List” send me a few emails straight in a row….how exciting.
If you want to send me some hand written mail please use the address below:
Warehouse address Insert here.
With Gratitude,