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Purpose is not something you find, it is something you create.

I spent the first forty-two years of my life struggling with the question: “what am I meant to do?”

If you already feel deeply connected to your sense of purpose in this one, short, fragile, glorious life I am immensely happy for you. How amazing! Carry on! Let your light shine.

If, on the other hand, you feel a bit of doubt about your purpose, or maybe a major sense of dread because you have been frantically searching for a purpose and not finding it, and you can feel your life passing you by, day after day, week after week, year after year, I have something to share with you.

Not a magic bullet, not a secret, but an idea. A way to look at your life that could give you insight as to that purpose you seek.

You see, you can’t answer the question “what am I meant to do?” until you can answer this question first:

“Who am I?”

If you do not know who you are—I mean, deep down, right at the raw core know the wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and- it’s-only-you you—then there is no way you can truly know what you’re meant to do in this world.

The Being Equation defines what makes each of us uniquely who we are and answers the question: who am I?

If you are curious about learning how to create your purpose, sign up below and receive our occasional newsletter.

I am going to write another one. What took the pressure off while writing the first book was the idea that it did not have to be perfect because it was not the only book I was going to write…it was simply the first book. So, here is the placeholder for the second book.

Let me give you a few details about the forthcoming book. First, I don’t know what it will be about. I have a few ideas that I am kicking the tires on but as I write this little blurb my first book hasn’t even been published yet. The important thing is that I have set an intention to write another book. It is in the vortex, so to speak and this little placeholder proves it.

Where in your life do you need a placeholder for a future accomplishment?


Book Two-