Shining Brightly

Sunflowers at the Barn

Sunflowers at the Barn

The truth is most of us are scared of shining too brightly, of being our highest and best self. We all say that is what we want, but then the doubt creeps in, and we worry about what our family and friends will think. If I get famous or become really successful or make money or build a life in which I am content and happy, what will they think? Will my growth and development be accepted and celebrated by those I love or will it scare them? Will they be inspired by my changes or will they be resentful because it shines a little light on their own choices to not be their highest and best selves. I can’t answer that question for you and I imagine there will be some of both in your life when you start on this journey.

What I say is that it is not your responsibility or burden to bear. Your purpose is to live your highest and best life and to share your gifts with the world. Your responsibility is to do just that and if someone is not happy with you for doing that or feels threatened or overshadowed by your personal growth, then that is their journey. I implore you, do not play small to keep those around you comfortable. You are doing yourself and the world a disservice. By all means, invite them along, lift those around you up, show up fully in this world and share your gifts, give those around you the opportunity to grow through you and your experience, and many will. But remember, if they don’t, that is not on you.


On Writing